Imagine that someone has taken five cards out of a shuffled deck of playing cards. Now the rest of the cards (47) are called off to you just once. Could you tell, by memory, which five were not called, or were missing? Let's try it. Look down this list of forty-seven cards only once. After you've done so, take a pencil and jot down the names of the five cards that you think are missing. You must not look at the book while you are writing. Don't take more than four and a half minutes to look at the list of cards. I will ask you to take this test again, after you have read and studied Chapter 10. Give yourself 20 points for every missing card you list correctly.

 Jack Hearts  Ace Clubs  Eight Clubs
 Six Hearts  Ace Diamonds  Nine Spades
 Queen Clubs  Four Hearts  King Hearts
 Four Clubs  Seven Spades  Ten Spades
 Seven Diamonds  Five Hearts  Seven Clubs
 King Diamonds  Ten Clubs  Three Hearts
 Two Diamonds  Ten Hearts  Jack Spades
 Nine Clubs  King Clubs  Queen Diamonds
 Three Spades  Ten Diamonds  Eight Hearts
 Eight Diamonds  Nine Hearts  Eight Spades
 Six Spades  Five Clubs  Seven Hearts
 Five Spades  Four Spades  Two Clubs
 Queen Hearts  Ace Spades  Queen Spades
 Five Diamonds  Three Diamonds  Six Diamonds
 Three Clubs  Two Hearts  Two Spades
 Jack Diamonds  Jack Clubs  

Write your score here ____. Score after learning Chapter 10 ____.

(P.S: Write down your score on a piece of paper and keep it so that you can compare your score later.)

Test #5



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