The Right Fashion Drawing Makes All the Difference

You love fashion and you love to draw, so it only makes sense that a hobby of yours is drawing fashion sketches. However, you think that perhaps your fashion drawings could be good enough to turn into your own fashion line. How can you tell if your fashion drawings are marketable?

The Traits of a Good Fashion Drawing

A complete fashion drawing should be a lot more than just a sketch. It should really be as close to a work of art as it can possibly be. To that end, it is important that you choose vibrant, stylish colors that really reflect what you want your fashion drawing to symbolize.

There are two main manners in which successful fashion designers make their fashion drawings. In the first manner, the basic sketch is done in pencil, while the color is added with various colored pencils. In the second manner, black charcoal is used for the main design sketch, and other colors of charcoal are added to fill in the design.

Some fashion designers do not like the idea of making fashion drawings. Rather, they just do a basic sketch, and then create their piece on a manikin as they go. While this might work for accomplished fashion designers, remember that you are still a novice trying to make it into the fashion world, so don’t try that method just yet.

When it comes to detail in your fashion drawings, the more detailed, the better. If you are trying to market your design to a distributor, it really needs to have all of the details included, or at least a note below the drawing that indicates how the design should look. The last thing you want is for your design to be missing some of the important details!

Pay attention to the size of your drawing. If the drawing is too small, possible manufacturers might not look at it, and if it is too big, manufacturers might consider it a bit overwhelming. Thus, a good idea is to make the drawing an average size.

If you think that your drawing might not be up to par, then take a couple of drawing classes before you try to market your designs, so that your drawings will definitely reflect the look that you are going for. It will take a lot of patience and hard work, but when you get your first client it will all be worth it.

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